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- [Online Q & A] What is the general use of automotive transmission gears?[ 2015-09-06 ]
- Gears are the structural size and material strength to withstand the external load, which requires that the material has a high strength toughness and wear resistance; because of the complexity of gea...
- [Online Q & A] What parts of the processing precision forging process shoul...[ 2015-09-06 ]
- First class technology and equipment, first-class production configuration, is essential for modern enterprise hardware, but also the guarantee of manufacturing quality products. Our company continued...
- [Online Q & A] Gear accuracy of which several levels?[ 2015-09-06 ]
- Gear accuracy of which several levels:1, gear accuracy is mainly controlled by the gear in the transmission of the accuracy of transmission, such as: the stability of the transmission, the instantaneo...
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